How to Top Up With WiPay Top Up Voucher Print

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Customers can visit a Wipay merchant available throughout T & T and purchase a Wipay Top Ups. These Top Up vouchers can then be used to purchase directly at checkout on website


Here is the link to the locations


We always recommend calling the phone number listed for the sale outlets to ensure they are the following

  1. Opened and hours of operation
  2. Able to sell you a wipay Top Up voucher

Follow the following steps

  1. Check Price of package on invoice or website
  2. Go to merchant and buy "WIPAY TOP UP VOUCHER" there are other types of vouchers available so ensure you ask for the correct one!
  3. Click on link in emailed invoice to open your invoice
  4. Choose Wipay Voucher and enter the voucher number on the website 
  5. Click Pay

Service is now paid up!


NOTE : PLEASE Do not mention or ask what the voucher is for to the voucher retailer, they won't know what you are buying it for. Simply order a voucher in your amount on invoice, pay, collect voucher and leave.

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